The Republic of Wynnum is establishing the office of President to mark its second anniversary of independence.
The appointment process is much simpler than presidential nominations and elections in other countries and designed to be significantly less expensive both for nominees and for the country.
The office of President will be auctioned to the highest bidder via an eBay auction, which closes on Friday 11th November. Bidding starts at AUD$5.00 and the highest bid will win the title.
There are no qualifications or restrictions imposed upon the office holder, for example they are not required to be a current or previous resident of the Republic. They are not even required to be a current citizen of the Republic, although they will automatically become one upon taking office.
The office of President of the Republic of Wynnum has no executive power at all and no duties attached. The President will be able to call themselves ‘The President of the Republic of Wynnum’ and will have access to the official flag of the Republic for official functions within the borders of the Republic (although none are arranged at this time).
The office is held for a period of 12 months only, at which point a new President is appointed using the same process. All funds from the auction will go towards the betterment of the Republic of Wynnum.
If you would like to apply to become the first President of the Republic of Wynnum, visit the eBay auction page here…
Office of President of the Republic of Wynnum 2016-2017 AUCTION
(in the event that no bids are received, no president will be appointed)
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