Independence Day Celebrations 2021

INDEPENDENCE DAY Tomorrow is Independence Day in the Republic of Wynnum, marking seven years since the Declaration of Independence on Wednesday 12th November 2014. At 5pm tomorrow there will be a brief celebration of independence and our current President, President Michael Jullyan will address the crowd. The event will be held at the soon to-be-named…

Republic establishes office of President

The Republic of Wynnum is establishing the office of President to mark its second anniversary of independence. The appointment process is much simpler than presidential nominations and elections in other countries and designed to be significantly less expensive both for nominees and for the country. The office of President will be auctioned to the highest…

No need to wait for Australia to become a republic – ardent republicans can become citizens of another (conveniently close) republic now

Australians who are frustrated republicans and can’t wait for Australia to become a republic now have another option. They can become citizens of a much newer republic, somewhere that is very close to home (especially for those who live in South East Queensland) – the Republic of Wynnum. Situated on the shore of Moreton Bay…

Today is Independence Day

Today is Independence Day. Somewhere in the Republic the flag is flying and you still have a few hours to cast your vote in the inaugural Citizen of the Year Award. Voting closes at 7pm (this is QLD time – Republic of Wynnum time is the same). The Republic will announce the winner of the…